Complete the following sentence.

Pronouncing key words loudly for emphasis is _____ used in public speaking.

a prewriting strategy

a nonverbal strategy

an example of rhetorical language

a verbal strategy

a verbal strategy

a verbal strategy

To complete the sentence, we need to understand the purpose and characteristics of pronouncing key words loudly for emphasis in public speaking.

Pronouncing key words loudly for emphasis is a verbal strategy used in public speaking.

1. Prewriting strategy: Prewriting refers to the stage where you brainstorm and plan your ideas before writing or speaking. Pronouncing key words loudly for emphasis is not a prewriting strategy because it pertains to the way you deliver a speech, rather than the initial planning process.

2. Nonverbal strategy: Nonverbal strategies in public speaking involve using gestures, body language, facial expressions, and visual aids to enhance communication. Pronouncing key words loudly for emphasis, on the other hand, is an aspect of verbal communication and does not fall under nonverbal strategies.

3. Rhetorical language: Rhetorical language refers to the effective use of language techniques and figures of speech to persuade or move an audience. While pronouncing key words loudly for emphasis demonstrates the use of effective communication skills, it is not an example of rhetorical language itself. It can, however, be used as a technique within rhetorical language.

4. Verbal strategy: Public speaking primarily revolves around spoken language, and the way you deliver your message vocally plays a crucial role in conveying meaning and engaging the audience. Pronouncing key words loudly for emphasis is indeed a verbal strategy because it involves emphasizing certain words through vocal inflection and volume.

Therefore, the correct completion of the sentence is:

Pronouncing key words loudly for emphasis is a verbal strategy used in public speaking.