Tyrell has a goal to spend 26 hours each month volunteering in a community library. So far for this month, he has volunteered for 17 hours. Write a working equation that represents the number of hours, h, that Tyrell still needs to volunteer to reach his goal for this month and solve this equation. (1 point)

h = 26 - 17

h = 9

The equation to represent the number of hours, h, that Tyrell still needs to volunteer can be written as:

h = 26 - 17

Now, let's solve the equation:

h = 9

Therefore, Tyrell still needs to volunteer 9 hours to reach his goal for this month.

Let's break down the problem. Tyrell has a goal to spend 26 hours volunteering in a community library each month. So far, he has volunteered for 17 hours this month.

To find the number of hours, h, that Tyrell still needs to volunteer to reach his goal, we can subtract the hours he has already volunteered from his goal:

h = 26 - 17

Now, let's solve this equation:

h = 9

Therefore, Tyrell still needs to volunteer for 9 hours to reach his goal for this month.