Which statement BEST explains the process of subduction?

A. Magma rises through the cracks in a solid rock plate.
B. One plates slides past another plate horizontally
C. A denser plate pushes down under a lighter plate
D. An oceanic plate covers a continental plate

C. A denser plate pushes down under a lighter plate

C. A denser plate pushes down under a lighter plate

The statement that best explains the process of subduction is:

C. A denser plate pushes down under a lighter plate.

Here is an explanation of how to arrive at this answer:

Subduction is a geological process that involves the movement of tectonic plates. To understand this process, let's break it down step by step.

First, it's important to know that the Earth's lithosphere is divided into several tectonic plates, which float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath them. These plates are constantly moving due to forces deep within the Earth.

Subduction occurs where two of these plates converge or collide with each other. In this case, we have one plate that is denser and another plate that is lighter.

The denser plate is usually an oceanic plate, while the lighter plate can be either an oceanic or a continental plate. Oceanic plates are denser because they are composed of denser oceanic crust, while continental plates are made up of less dense continental crust.

As the two plates come together, the denser oceanic plate starts to sink beneath the lighter plate. The force driving the subduction is the density contrast between the two plates. This sinking happens because the denser plate is unable to support its own weight and is pulled by gravity into the mantle.

The sinking of the oceanic plate creates a subduction zone, which is characterized by intense geological activity. In this zone, the descending plate meets resistance from the surrounding mantle. The friction and pressure cause the descending plate to deform, generating earthquakes and volcanic activity.

In summary, option C, "A denser plate pushes down under a lighter plate," best explains the process of subduction, where an oceanic plate sinks beneath a continental or another oceanic plate due to density differences, causing geological activities such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.