Which statement best explains the process of subduction?(1 point)


Magma rises through the cracks in a solid rock plate.
Magma rises through the cracks in a solid rock plate.

One plates slides past another plate horizontally.
One plates slides past another plate horizontally.

An oceanic plate covers a continental plate.
An oceanic plate covers a continental plate.

A denser plate pushes down under a lighter plate.
A denser plate pushes down under a lighter plate.

A denser plate pushes down under a lighter plate.

A denser plate pushes down under a lighter plate.

The statement "A denser plate pushes down under a lighter plate" best explains the process of subduction.

Subduction is a geological process that occurs at tectonic plate boundaries where one plate is forced underneath another plate. Generally, subduction occurs when an oceanic plate, which is denser, sinks beneath a less dense continental plate. This process is driven by the difference in density between the two plates. As the denser plate sinks into the mantle, it can cause various geological phenomena such as volcanic activity, the formation of mountain ranges, and the creation of deep-sea trenches. So, out of the given statements, the one stating that a denser plate pushes down under a lighter plate is the most accurate explanation of subduction.