What happens when jagged edges of rock plates grind past each other? (1 point)


A. volcanic formation

B. subduction

C. an earthquake

D. a mountain chain

(I think it's "B. subduction")

C. an earthquake

Actually, when jagged edges of rock plates grind past each other, the correct response is "C. an earthquake." This is because when tectonic plates move, their jagged edges can become locked together due to the friction. When the stress on the locked plates becomes too great, they suddenly slip and release a large amount of energy in the form of seismic waves, causing an earthquake. So, the correct answer is C. an earthquake.

Actually, the correct answer is C. an earthquake.

When jagged edges of rock plates grind past each other, it often leads to the release of stored energy in the form of seismic waves. This release of energy causes the ground to shake, resulting in an earthquake. Earthquakes occur along faults, which are areas where the Earth's crust is fractured and rock plates are in contact with each other. As the plates try to move past each other, they become locked due to friction. Eventually, the pressure builds up and overcomes the friction, causing the plates to slip suddenly. This sudden release of energy generates seismic waves that travel through the Earth, producing the shaking motion that we feel as an earthquake.

Option B, subduction, refers to a geological process where one tectonic plate moves under another into the Earth's mantle. This process can lead to the formation of volcanic activity, but it is not directly related to the grinding of jagged edges of rock plates past each other.

Option A, volcanic formation, is not generally associated with the grinding of rock plates, but rather with the movement of tectonic plates that can create conditions for magma to rise to the Earth's surface and form volcanoes.

Option D, a mountain chain, is typically formed by the collision of tectonic plates, which pushes the rocks upward and creates mountain ranges. It is not a direct result of the grinding of jagged edges of rock plates.