Which of the following is an example of checks and balances select all that apply we have the executive branch canon PJ, Supreme Court Justice that judicial branch can be the presidential pardons the executive branch can declare war. The judicial branch can roll a new law unconstitutional the legislative branch can override a veto.

- The judicial branch can roll a new law unconstitutional

- The legislative branch can override a veto

The examples of checks and balances are:

1. The judicial branch can rule a law unconstitutional.
2. The legislative branch can override a veto.

So, the correct options are:

- The judicial branch can rule a new law unconstitutional.
- The legislative branch can override a veto.

To identify examples of checks and balances among the branches of government, let's analyze each statement:

1. The executive branch can pardon someone (Executive branch power): This statement is an example of checks and balances because the power to grant pardons allows the executive branch to check or balance the actions of the judicial system. If someone is unjustly convicted, the President can use their pardon power to rectify the situation. Thus, selecting this statement is correct in terms of checks and balances.

2. The executive branch can declare war (Executive branch power): This statement is not an example of checks and balances. While the President has the power to command the military forces, the authority to declare war lies with the legislative branch, specifically the Congress. Choosing this statement would be incorrect in terms of checks and balances.

3. The judicial branch can rule a new law unconstitutional (Judicial branch power): This statement represents an example of checks and balances. The judicial branch, specifically the Supreme Court, has the power of judicial review, allowing them to assess the constitutionality of laws passed by the legislative branch. If they find a law to be unconstitutional, they can strike it down. Therefore, selecting this statement is correct in terms of checks and balances.

4. The legislative branch can override a veto (Legislative branch power): This statement is an example of checks and balances. The legislative branch, specifically the Congress, can check or balance the actions of the executive branch by overriding a presidential veto. If the President vetoes a bill, Congress can vote to override the veto, allowing the bill to become law despite the President's objections. Hence, selecting this statement is correct in terms of checks and balances.

In summary, the correct examples of checks and balances are:
- The executive branch can pardon (correct)
- The judicial branch can rule a new law unconstitutional (correct)
- The legislative branch can override a veto (correct)