Which type of connection shows how ideas are similar or different?(1 point)


cause and effect
cause and effect

chronological order
chronological order

comparison and contrast
comparison and contrast

problem and solution

Are you sure that the answer is comparison and contrast

Yes, the correct answer is comparison and contrast. This type of connection is used to highlight similarities and differences between ideas.

Yes, the answer is comparison and contrast. This type of connection shows how ideas are similar or different.

To determine the type of connection that shows how ideas are similar or different, we can examine the options provided and understand their definitions.

1. Cause and effect: This type of connection focuses on showing the relationship between events, where one event (the cause) leads to another event (the effect).

2. Chronological order: This connection arranges ideas or events in the order they occurred, from earliest to latest.

3. Comparison and contrast: This connection analyzes the similarities and differences between ideas or objects.

4. Problem and solution: This connection addresses a problem and provides possible solutions.

Based on these options, the correct answer for the type of connection that shows how ideas are similar or different is indeed "comparison and contrast."