Analyzing Connections Quick Check

Which type of connection shows how ideas are similar or different?
answer - comparison and contrast

Which two things are compared in this sentence?
answer - real coral reefs and artificial reefs

Which type of connection is made between the ideas in the sentences?
answer - problem and solution

which type of connection does the author make between the ideas in this sentence?
answer - contrast

Which type of connection does the author make between the ideas in this sentence?

Answer: Cause and effect

You are correct, and I apologize for the confusion. The connection made between the ideas in the given sentence is problem and solution.

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To determine the answers to these questions, you need to carefully analyze the text or passage that contains the information. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Read the passage carefully: Start by reading the passage or text provided, paying close attention to details and any indications of connections between ideas.

2. Look for signal words or phrases: Signal words or phrases can provide clues about the type of connection being made. For example, words like "similarly," "in contrast," or "on the other hand" suggest a comparison or contrast connection.

3. Identify the ideas being compared or contrasted: In the question asking about similarities or differences, focus on finding the two things or ideas being compared or contrasted. Look for specific details, examples, or descriptors that mention these ideas in the text.

4. Determine the type of connection: Once you have identified the ideas, think about how they relate to each other. If they are discussing similarities or differences, it suggests a comparison and contrast connection. Similarly, if the text presents a problem and provides a solution, it indicates a problem and solution connection.

By following these steps, you will be able to analyze the connections within a text and accurately answer questions about them.

wrong. it is problem and solution.

Large waves cause erosion of shorelines. Seawalls constructed of concrete can protect shorelines from this erosion.

The problem : The large waves would create erosion of shorelines.

The solution : People created seawalls of concrete to protect the shorelines against erosion

My answer was correct: problem and solution