Based on the information in the chart, why might Congress have been divided about declaring war on Britain?

(1 point)

Members of Congress did not believe the American military could compete with the British military.
Members of Congress did not believe the American military could compete with the British military.

Some representatives were not convinced that the rumors about the Native American attacks were true
Some representatives were not convinced that the rumors about the Native American attacks were true

Southern representatives were less concerned about British interference in American shipping.
Southern representatives were less concerned about British interference in American shipping.

The War Hawks had more supporters in the House of Representatives than in the Senate

Correct response:

The War Hawks had more supporters in the House of Representatives than in the Senate

Based on the information in the chart, Congress might have been divided about declaring war on Britain for the following reasons:

1. Some members of Congress did not believe the American military could compete with the British military.
2. Some representatives were not convinced that the rumors about the Native American attacks were true.
3. Southern representatives were less concerned about British interference in American shipping.
4. The War Hawks, who supported declaring war, had more supporters in the House of Representatives than in the Senate.

To determine why Congress might have been divided about declaring war on Britain based on the information in the chart, we can look at the options provided and analyze them.

The first option suggests that Congress members did not believe the American military could compete with the British military. This could be a reason for division because some members may have believed that going to war with Britain would result in heavy losses and harm to the American military.

The second option states that some representatives were not convinced that the rumors about Native American attacks were true. This could also cause division because some members may have seen the reports of Native American attacks as a valid reason for declaring war, while others may have doubted the credibility of the information.

The third option suggests that southern representatives were less concerned about British interference in American shipping. This could create division as some members from the southern states may have prioritized other interests and not seen British interference as a significant enough reason to go to war.

Lastly, the fourth option states that the War Hawks had more supporters in the House of Representatives than in the Senate. This can be a reason for division as different views among the two chambers of Congress could lead to disagreements on declaring war.

In conclusion, based on the information in the chart, there could be multiple reasons for Congress being divided about declaring war on Britain, including concerns about the capability of the American military, doubts about the reliability of reports on Native American attacks, varying levels of concern about British interference in shipping, and differences in support for the War Hawks between the House of Representatives and the Senate.