Question 1 (Marks: 10)

Case study:
Your campus projects team:-VoiceOnCampus would like to start a podcast providing insightful
interviews and talks from industry professionals, as well as providing students with helpful tips
about career-based topics such as drafting CVs, preparing for interviews, and how to conduct
oneself in the workplace.
Considering the project life cycle, answer the questions that follow:
Q.1.1 Discuss which phase would include laying out a roadmap or game plan for the
podcast and how this would be done.
Q.1.2 Describe a baseline plan and explain three(3) pieces of information to include in a
baseline plan using examples from the case study.
ADD referencing

Q.1.1 The phase that would include laying out a roadmap or game plan for the podcast is the planning phase. In this phase, the team would outline the objectives, scope, and timeline for the project. To create a roadmap or game plan for the podcast, the team would need to:

1. Define the goals and objectives: The team would determine the purpose of the podcast and what they hope to achieve with it. For example, the goals could include providing valuable career advice to students and establishing the voice of the campus projects team as a reputable source of information.

2. Identify the target audience: The team would research and identify the specific audience they want to reach with the podcast. For example, they may target students in a specific field of study or those who are interested in career development.

3. Define the content and format: The team would decide on the topics and types of content they want to include in the podcast. They would also determine the format, such as interviews with industry professionals or solo episodes with tips and advice. This would involve brainstorming ideas and conducting market research to understand what topics would be most relevant and interesting to the target audience.

4. Create a timeline and schedule: The team would establish a timeline for producing and releasing episodes, as well as setting deadlines for various tasks such as researching, recording, editing, and publishing. This would ensure that the podcast stays on track and meets its planned launch date.

5. Allocate resources: The team would identify the resources required for the podcast, such as equipment, software, and personnel. They would determine the budget and make sure that the necessary resources are available to support the project.

Q.1.2 A baseline plan is a reference point that outlines the initial scope, schedule, and cost expectations of a project. In the case of the podcast project, a baseline plan could include the following information:

1. Scope: The baseline plan would define the scope of the podcast project, specifying the topics and types of content that will be covered. For example, it would outline that the podcast will provide career-based tips and interviews with industry professionals.

2. Schedule: The baseline plan would include a timeline for the project, indicating when each episode will be released and any key milestones or deadlines. For example, it could state that the first episode will be released within two months and subsequent episodes will be released biweekly.

3. Budget: The baseline plan would provide an estimate of the costs associated with the podcast project. This would include expenses such as equipment, software, marketing, and any personnel costs. For example, it could state that the budget for the project is $10,000, with $2,000 allocated for equipment, $3,000 for marketing, and $5,000 for personnel.

- "Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)" by Project Management Institute (PMI)
- "Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling" by Harold Kerzner

1.1 The phase that would include laying out a roadmap or game plan for the podcast is the Planning Phase of the project life cycle. In this phase, the project team identifies the objectives, scope, and requirements of the podcast project, and creates a detailed plan to achieve these goals.

To create a roadmap or game plan for the podcast, the team would follow these steps:
1. Define the objectives: The team would clearly define the purpose and goals of the podcast. In this case study, the objectives would be to provide insightful interviews and talks from industry professionals, as well as helpful tips on career-based topics.

2. Identify the scope: The team would determine the boundaries and limitations of the podcast project. This would include deciding on the length and format of the episodes, the target audience, and any specific topics or themes to be covered.

3. Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS): The team would break down the project into smaller, manageable tasks and create a WBS. For the podcast project, the WBS could include tasks such as researching potential guests, creating episode scripts, recording and editing the episodes, and promoting the podcast.

4. Determine the timeline and milestones: The team would establish a timeline for the project, including start and end dates, as well as important milestones along the way. These milestones could include completing the first episode, conducting interviews with industry professionals, and launching the podcast.

5. Assign resources and responsibilities: The team would identify the resources needed for the project, such as equipment, software, and personnel. They would also assign responsibilities to team members, ensuring everyone knows their role and contribution to the podcast.

Overall, the planning phase of the project would include laying out the roadmap or game plan for the podcast, considering objectives, scope, tasks, timeline, milestones, and resource allocation to ensure a successful project execution.

1.2 A baseline plan is a snapshot of the initial project plan, capturing the project objectives, scope, schedule, and cost estimates. In the case study, the baseline plan for the podcast project could include the following information:

1. Project Objectives: This would include the overall goals of the podcast, such as providing insightful interviews and talks from industry professionals, and offering career tips for students.

Example: The objective of the podcast project is to engage and educate students by providing them with valuable insights from industry professionals and empowering them with essential career-based knowledge.

2. Scope: The baseline plan would define the boundaries and deliverables of the podcast project.

Example: The podcast will consist of 10 episodes per season, each lasting approximately 30 minutes. The content will cover a range of career-based topics including drafting CVs, interview preparation, workplace etiquette, and industry-specific tips.

3. Schedule: The baseline plan would outline the estimated timeframe for completing different project activities and milestones.

Example: Recording and editing of each episode will take approximately two weeks. Conducting interviews with industry professionals will be done within the first month of the project. The podcast launch will be scheduled for the beginning of the next academic semester.

By including these three pieces of information in the baseline plan, the project team can effectively communicate the project's objectives, scope, and schedule to stakeholders and ensure a solid foundation for the podcast project.

To answer Question 1.1, we need to consider the project life cycle. The project life cycle consists of different phases, such as initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and control, and closure. In this case, the phase that would include laying out a roadmap or game plan for the podcast is the planning phase.

During the planning phase, the team would create a detailed plan that outlines the objectives, goals, tasks, resources, and timeline for the podcast project. To lay out a roadmap or game plan for the podcast, the following steps can be taken:

1. Define the Goals and Objectives: Start by clearly defining the goals and objectives of the podcast. For example, in this case, the goal could be to provide insightful interviews and talks from industry professionals and to provide helpful tips for career-based topics.

2. Identify the Target Audience: Determine the target audience for the podcast. In this case, it would be students who are interested in career-based topics.

3. Create a Content Strategy: Develop a content strategy that outlines the topics to be covered in the podcast. For example, the team can decide to have episodes dedicated to drafting CVs, preparing for interviews, and workplace etiquette.

4. Determine the Format and Schedule: Decide on the format of the podcast, such as interviews, panel discussions, or solo episodes. Establish a schedule for releasing new episodes, considering factors like frequency and duration.

5. Plan for Resources and Logistics: Determine the resources needed for the podcast, such as audio recording equipment, editing software, and hosting platforms. Also, consider any logistical aspects, such as finding industry professionals to interview and securing suitable locations for recording.

6. Create a Project Timeline: Develop a timeline that outlines the key milestones and deadlines for the podcast project. This will help in tracking progress and meeting goals within the specified timeframe.

To answer Question 1.2, we need to describe a baseline plan and provide three pieces of information to include in it using examples from the case study. A baseline plan serves as a reference point to measure and compare project progress throughout its lifecycle.

A baseline plan typically includes the following information:

1. Project Scope: Clearly define the scope of the project, which includes the specific objectives, deliverables, and boundaries. For example, the scope of this podcast project might include producing 10 episodes within a six-month period, focusing on career-based topics for students.

2. Schedule: Include a detailed timeline with key milestones, deadlines, and dependencies. For instance, the baseline plan might specify that the first episode should be released within two months of project initiation, with subsequent episodes released on a bi-weekly basis.

3. Budget: Provide an estimated budget for the project, including costs for equipment, software, hosting, marketing, and any other expenditures. For example, the baseline plan might allocate $500 for audio recording equipment, $200 for editing software licenses, and $300 for promotional activities.

Additionally, it is important to reference any sources used for the case study or to support the information provided. Unfortunately, since no specific references were mentioned in the question, I am unable to include any references in my response. However, you can refer to academic sources, industry reports, or any provided case material to support your answer and provide proper referencing.