Question 1 (Marks: 10)

Case study:
Your campus projects team:-VoiceOnCampus would like to start a podcast providing insightful
interviews and talks from industry professionals, as well as providing students with helpful tips
about career-based topics such as drafting CVs, preparing for interviews, and how to conduct
oneself in the workplace.
Considering the project life cycle, answer the questions that follow:
Q.1.1 Discuss which phase would include laying out a roadmap or game plan for the
podcast and how this would be done.
Q.1.2 Describe a baseline plan and explain three(3) pieces of information to include in a
baseline plan using examples from the case study.

Q.1.1 The phase that would include laying out a roadmap or game plan for the podcast is the planning phase of the project life cycle. During this phase, the objectives, scope, and strategy of the podcast project are defined.

To create a roadmap or game plan for the podcast, the following steps can be taken:

1. Define the objectives: Clearly identify the goals and objectives of the podcast, such as providing insightful interviews, offering career tips, and helping students excel in their professional lives.

2. Determine the scope: Outline the scope of the podcast project, including the topics that will be covered, the target audience, and the duration and frequency of episodes.

3. Develop a timeline: Create a timeline that includes the key milestones and deadlines for the podcast, such as when episodes will be recorded, edited, and released. This timeline will help ensure that the project stays on track.

4. Identify resources: Determine the resources needed for the podcast, including equipment, software, and human resources. This includes identifying the industry professionals who will be interviewed and the experts who will provide career advice.

5. Define communication and collaboration channels: Establish effective communication channels among team members, industry professionals, and other stakeholders involved in the podcast project. This could include regular team meetings, email updates, or project management tools for collaboration.

By following these steps, the project team can lay out a clear roadmap or game plan for the podcast, ensuring that everyone involved understands the objectives and steps required to bring the podcast to fruition.

Q.1.2 A baseline plan serves as a reference point for project progress and is used to compare the actual performance against the planned performance. It helps in tracking the project's success and making necessary adjustments. Three pieces of information that can be included in a baseline plan for the VoiceOnCampus podcast project are:

1. Schedule: The baseline plan should include a detailed schedule of the activities that need to be completed for the podcast project. For example, it could outline the dates for conducting interviews, recording episodes, editing and post-production work, and publishing the podcast episodes.

2. Budget: The baseline plan should also include a budget that outlines the estimated costs associated with the podcast project. This could include expenses for equipment, software, hosting platforms, marketing efforts, and any other necessary resources.

3. Quality standards: The baseline plan should define the quality standards that need to be met for the podcast. For example, it should specify the audio and recording quality, the level of professionalism in interviews, and the overall content quality. This ensures consistency and helps maintain the reputation and credibility of the podcast.

By including these pieces of information in a baseline plan, the project team can have a clear understanding of the project's timeline, budget, and quality expectations. This will enable them to track progress effectively and make any necessary adjustments to ensure successful podcast production and delivery.

A.1.1 The phase that would include laying out a roadmap or game plan for the podcast is the planning phase. In this phase, the project team would define the objectives and scope of the podcast, identify the stakeholders, and develop a detailed plan for how the podcast will be executed.

To create a roadmap or game plan for the podcast, the team would follow these steps:
1. Define the objectives: The team would clearly define what they want to achieve with the podcast, such as providing insightful interviews and talks from industry professionals and offering helpful tips to students.
2. Identify the target audience: The team would determine who their target audience is, such as students seeking career advice and industry professionals interested in sharing their insights.
3. Determine the content and format: The team would decide on the types of content they want to produce, such as interviews, talks, and tips. They would also determine the format for delivering the content, such as audio-only podcasts or video podcasts.
4. Develop a production schedule: The team would create a timeline for producing and releasing episodes, considering factors such as the availability of industry professionals for interviews and the frequency of podcast releases.
5. Define the roles and responsibilities: The team would assign specific roles and responsibilities to team members, such as host, interviewer, editor, and social media manager. This would ensure that everyone knows their tasks and can contribute effectively to the podcast production.

A.1.2 A baseline plan is a project management document that serves as a reference point for measuring the progress and performance of the project. In the case study, the baseline plan for the podcast project could include the following information:

1. Project timeline: The baseline plan would outline the estimated start and end dates for key project milestones, such as developing the podcast concept, recording interviews, and launching the first episode. This would provide a reference point for tracking the project's progress against the planned timeline.

Example: The baseline plan could state that the project will start on January 1st and the first episode will be launched on April 1st.

2. Budget: The baseline plan would include an estimate of the project's budget, outlining the anticipated costs for equipment, production, marketing, and any other expenses related to the podcast. This would help ensure that the project stays within budget throughout its execution.

Example: The baseline plan could state that the estimated budget for the podcast project is $10,000.

3. Resource allocation: The baseline plan would identify the key resources required for the project, such as equipment, software, and personnel. It would also include the allocation of these resources to specific tasks and activities.

Example: The baseline plan could outline that a professional recording studio will be rented for the interviews, a dedicated audio editor will be hired to edit the episodes, and a social media manager will be responsible for promoting the podcast on various platforms.

These pieces of information in the baseline plan would serve as a baseline against which the actual progress and performance of the project can be measured. Any deviations from the baseline could be identified and managed to ensure the successful execution of the podcast project.

To answer Question 1.1, we need to understand the phases of a project life cycle. Generally, a project life cycle consists of four phases: initiation, planning, execution, and closure.

In the context of starting a podcast, the phase that would include laying out a roadmap or game plan is the planning phase. This is where you define the scope of the project, identify the goals and objectives, determine the resources needed, and create a timeline for the project.

To lay out a roadmap or game plan for the podcast, you can follow these steps:

1. Define the scope: Clearly define the scope of your podcast. Determine the types of interviews and talks you want to include, the topics you want to cover, and the target audience you want to reach. This will help you create a focused plan for your podcast.

2. Set the goals and objectives: Identify the goals and objectives for your podcast. Do you want to educate, inspire, or entertain your listeners? Are you aiming to increase the knowledge of your target audience or provide career-related guidance? Setting clear goals and objectives will help you stay focused and measure the success of your podcast.

3. Determine the resources needed: Identify the resources required for your podcast. This includes equipment such as microphones, recording software, and editing tools. Additionally, consider the availability of human resources, such as members of your campus projects team who will be responsible for conducting interviews, editing the podcast, and promoting it.

4. Create a timeline: Develop a timeline for your podcast project. Break down the tasks and activities needed to complete the podcast into smaller, manageable chunks. Assign deadlines to each task and create a schedule that allows for proper planning, execution, and review. This will help you track progress and ensure timely completion of the podcast.

Now let's move on to Question 1.2, which requires you to describe a baseline plan and explain three pieces of information to include in it using examples from the case study.

A baseline plan is a reference point that helps you compare the actual progress of a project to the planned schedule and performance. It acts as a benchmark for monitoring and controlling the project's progress.

Here are three pieces of information you can include in a baseline plan for the podcast project, using examples from the case study:

1. Timeline: Include a detailed timeline specifying the start and end dates for each task. For example, you can allocate a specific time period for conducting industry professional interviews, creating episodes for career-based topics, and completing editing and promotional activities.

2. Resources: List the resources required for the podcast project. This can include equipment, technology, and human resources from your campus projects team. For instance, you may need high-quality microphones, recording software, audio editors, and team members responsible for conducting interviews and editing the episodes.

3. Budget: Outline a budget for the podcast project. Specify the costs associated with equipment, marketing, promotion, and any additional resources needed. For example, you might allocate funds for purchasing microphones, software licenses, promoting the podcast on social media platforms, and hosting services for podcast distribution.

Including these pieces of information in your baseline plan will provide a solid foundation for managing and controlling the podcast project, allowing you to track progress and make necessary adjustments if required.