The process by which a modified stem or root of a parent plant grows offspring that remain attached is called(1 point)

vegetative reproduction.

binary fission.

tuber reproduction.


vegetative reproduction.

The correct answer is vegetative reproduction.

The correct answer is vegetative reproduction. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the definitions of the terms and eliminate the options that do not match the description.

1. Vegetative reproduction: This is a process in which a modified stem or root of a parent plant grows offspring that remain attached. It is a form of asexual reproduction.
2. Binary fission: This term refers to a method of asexual reproduction in which a single organism divides into two equal parts, each of which develops into a separate organism.
3. Tuber reproduction: Tuber reproduction does not match the description provided. Tuber reproduction typically involves underground storage structures that produce new plants, such as potatoes.
4. Fragmentation: Fragmentation is a form of asexual reproduction where a parent organism breaks into fragments, and each fragment has the potential to develop into a new organism.

Based on the descriptions, the term that best fits the given description is "vegetative reproduction." Therefore, the correct answer is vegetative reproduction.