What strategy did Chandragupta use to conquer Magadha?

(1 point)

caused so much destruction that people were forced to flee

caused so much destruction that people were forced to flee

seized the capital, and then the rest of the kingdom fell

seized the capital, and then the rest of the kingdom fell

followed Buddhism's teachings and Magadha eventually surrendered

followed Buddhism's teachings and Magadha eventually surrendered

attacked the borders first, then the capital city

seized the capital, and then the rest of the kingdom fell

The strategy that Chandragupta used to conquer Magadha was that he attacked the borders first, and then the capital city.

To determine the correct strategy that Chandragupta used to conquer Magadha, we can analyze the provided options and eliminate the ones that do not align with historical facts.

1. "Caused so much destruction that people were forced to flee" is not an accurate strategy. While warfare may result in destruction and displacement of people, it is not a deliberate or targeted strategy.

2. "Seized the capital, and then the rest of the kingdom fell" is a possible strategy. Conquering the capital city is often a crucial step in capturing an entire kingdom.

3. "Followed Buddhism's teachings and Magadha eventually surrendered" is unlikely to be the strategy employed by Chandragupta. While he later embraced Buddhism, it is not documented that he used religious teachings to achieve military victories.

4. "Attacked the borders first, then the capital city" is a common strategy that many conquerors employ, as it weakens the kingdom's defenses and allows for an easier capture of the capital city.

From the remaining options, "seized the capital, and then the rest of the kingdom fell" appears to be the most plausible strategy used by Chandragupta to conquer Magadha. However, it is always advisable to consult historical sources or further research to obtain a comprehensive and accurate understanding of this event.