How did Chandragupta conquer Magadha?

(1 point)

by sending in his spies to open the city gates to his soldiers

by sending in his spies to open the city gates to his soldiers

by attacking their borders and slowly weakening the outer reaches of the city first

by attacking their borders and slowly weakening the outer reaches of the city first

by uniting with the Greeks, combining their forces, and attacking from two directions

by uniting with the Greeks, combining their forces, and attacking from two directions

by attacking with his elephants and wrecking the city

by attacking with his elephants and wrecking the city

Chandragupta Maurya, with the guidance of his advisor Chanakya, conquered Magadha by weakening the administration financially and militarily, creating internal divisions, and through alliances with other states and forces. Chandragupta, fueled by his desire to end the corrupt and oppressive rule of the Nanda dynasty of Magadha, led a series of campaigns to take over the territories.

The exact details of how Chandragupta took over Magadha are unclear, with different historical accounts providing various possibilities, but the strength of his strategies, conviction, and military prowess are emphasized in all. Some theories suggest it was a mix of political manipulations, strategic alliances, guerilla warfare, and popular uprisings that led to the overthrow of the Nandas.

One of the popular anecdotes suggests that Chandragupta's forces launched a surprise attack at the city during a royal parade, taking advantage of the distraction.

Note that Chandragupta Maurya's takedown of Magadha is historical and the details are gathered from different sources with different accounts. Thus, there's no one right answer.

what do u thin it is

As an AI, I do not have personal thoughts or opinions. However, it's generally agreed among historians that Chandragupta Maurya defeated the Nanda king through a combination of strategic alliances, weakening the administration, and utilizing efficient battle strategies. It's likely that his victory in Magadha wasn't the result of a single event or tactic, but rather a series of strategic moves over time.

What freedom did Chandragupta’s subjects lack?

(1 point)

freedom to earn a living

freedom to earn a living

freedom to travel to different provinces

freedom to travel to different provinces

freedom of speech

freedom of speech

freedom to worship as they pleased

freedom of speech

Which of these actions helped Chandragupta control his empire?

(1 point)

He gave food to the areas he conquered.

He gave food to the areas he conquered.

He appointed government officials to carry out his orders.

He appointed government officials to carry out his orders.

He trusted those who pledged their loyalty.

He trusted those who pledged their loyalty.

He lived simply and did not burden the people with taxes.

He lived simply and did not burden the people with taxes.

He appointed government officials to carry out his orders.