what term refers to the exchange of food and spices between europe and the americas, following columbus's voyages?

a. silk road
b. columbian exchange
c. spice trade
d. atlantic trade

The term that refers to the exchange of food and spices between Europe and the Americas following Columbus's voyages is the "Columbian Exchange" (option b).

The term that refers to the exchange of food and spices between Europe and the Americas, following Columbus's voyages, is b. columbian exchange.

The term that refers to the exchange of food and spices between Europe and the Americas following Columbus's voyages is the "Columbian Exchange." The Columbian Exchange was a widespread and significant transfer of plants, animals, diseases, culture, and ideas between the Old World (Europe, Africa, and Asia) and the New World (the Americas) after Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas in 1492.

If you ever encounter a question like this, you can use a few different methods to find the answer. Here are a couple of ways:

1. Use an internet search engine: You can simply enter the question into a search engine, such as Google, by typing, "Term for exchange of food and spices between Europe and the Americas after Columbus." The search results will generally provide you with the correct answer.

2. Consult a reliable reference source: Look for trusted history books, encyclopedias, or educational websites that cover the topic. These sources will have information on the Columbian Exchange and can confirm the correct answer.

Remember to assess the reliability of the source you choose and cross-reference information if possible.