Which sentence is a COMPLEX sentence?

"Hip hop is my favorite type of music."

"I like hip hop, but I prefer jazz."

"That's the most annoying rap song I have ever heard."

"I like hip hop, but I prefer jazz."

The sentence "I like hip hop, but I prefer jazz." is a complex sentence.

To identify which sentence is a complex sentence, we need to understand the structure of a complex sentence. A complex sentence consists of an independent clause and at least one dependent clause. An independent clause can stand alone as a complete sentence, while a dependent clause cannot.

Let's analyze the options you provided:

1. "Hip hop is my favorite type of music."
This sentence is a simple sentence because it only contains one independent clause.

2. "I like hip hop, but I prefer jazz."
This sentence is a complex sentence. It contains two independent clauses ("I like hip hop" and "I prefer jazz") linked together by the coordinating conjunction "but."

3. "That's the most annoying rap song I have ever heard."
This sentence is a simple sentence. It only contains one independent clause.

Therefore, the sentence that is a complex sentence is: "I like hip hop, but I prefer jazz."