Which sentence is a COMPLEX sentence??

"Hip hop is my favorite type of music."

"I like hip hop, but I prefer jazz."

"That's the most annoying rap song I have ever heard."

The sentence that is a complex sentence is: "I like hip hop, but I prefer jazz."

To identify a complex sentence, we need to look for a sentence that consists of an independent clause and at least one dependent clause.

Let's examine the three sentences:

1. "Hip hop is my favorite type of music."
This sentence is a simple sentence because it only contains one independent clause, "Hip hop is my favorite type of music."

2. "I like hip hop, but I prefer jazz."
This sentence is a complex sentence because it contains two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction "but": "I like hip hop" and "I prefer jazz." The second independent clause, "I prefer jazz," depends on the first independent clause, "I like hip hop."

3. "That's the most annoying rap song I have ever heard."
This sentence is a simple sentence because it only contains one independent clause, "That's the most annoying rap song I have ever heard."

Therefore, the second sentence, "I like hip hop, but I prefer jazz," is a complex sentence.

"I like hip hop, but I prefer jazz."