Tatyana ca text 225 words in 5 minutes how many words cab Tatyana text in 12 minutes

To find out how many words Tatyana can text in 12 minutes, divide the number of words she can text in 5 minutes by 5 and then multiply by 12.

Words per minute = 225 words / 5 minutes = 45 words/minute

Words in 12 minutes = 45 words/minute * 12 minutes = 540 words

To determine the number of words Tatyana can text in 12 minutes, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

Let's call the number of words Tatyana can text in 12 minutes "x".

The proportion can be set up as follows:

5 minutes / 225 words = 12 minutes / x words

To solve for x, we can cross multiply:

5 minutes * x words = 12 minutes * 225 words


5x = 2700

Dividing both sides of the equation by 5:

x = 540

Therefore, Tatyana can text 540 words in 12 minutes.

To find out how many words Tatyana can text in 12 minutes, we can use a proportion to compare the words she can text in 5 minutes with the words she can text in 12 minutes.

Let's set up the proportion:

225 words / 5 minutes = x words / 12 minutes

To solve for x, we can use cross multiplication:

225 * 12 = 5 * x

2700 = 5x

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 5:

2700 / 5 = x

540 = x

Therefore, Tatyana can text approximately 540 words in 12 minutes.