To find out how many words Javier can text in one minute, we need to divide the total number of words he can text in five minutes by five (since 5 minutes is the given time period).

Javier can text 200 words in five minutes, so we divide 200 by 5:

200 words ÷ 5 minutes = 40 words

Therefore, Javier can text 40 words in one minute.

At a card show, jackie purchased a box of 180 baseball cards for $15. what was the cost for 1 card? round your answer to the nearest cent

To find the cost of one baseball card, we need to divide the total cost by the number of cards in the box.

The cost of the box of 180 baseball cards is $15.

So, the cost for 1 card would be:

$15 / 180 cards = $0.0833333 per card

Rounding to the nearest cent, the cost for 1 card would be $0.08.

on a recent trip, Mrs. patel drove 700 miles on 20 gallons of gas. how many miles per gallon did her car use

To calculate the miles per gallon (MPG) Mrs. Patel's car used, we need to divide the total miles driven by the amount of gas consumed.

Mrs. Patel drove 700 miles on 20 gallons of gas.

So, the MPG can be calculated as follows:

MPG = Total miles / Gallons of gas
= 700 miles / 20 gallons
= 35 miles per gallon

Therefore, Mrs. Patel's car used an average of 35 miles per gallon.

for a case of 24 bottles of water, a grocery store charges 3.60 what is the unit price?

To calculate the unit price of a case of 24 bottles of water, we need to divide the total price by the number of bottles.

The price of the case of 24 bottles of water is $3.60.

So, the unit price of each water bottle would be:

$3.60 / 24 bottles = $0.15 per bottle

Therefore, the unit price of each water bottle is $0.15.

maria resting heart rate is 240 beats per three minutes. what is her heart rate per minute?

To find Maria's heart rate per minute, we need to divide her heart rate for three minutes by three.

Maria's heart rate for three minutes is 240 beats.

So, her heart rate per minute would be:

240 beats / 3 minutes = 80 beats per minute

Therefore, Maria's heart rate per minute is 80 beats.

To find out how many words Javier can text in one minute, we can use basic unitary method.

Javier can text 200 words in 5 minutes.

So, we need to find the number of words that Javier can text in 1 minute.

To solve this, we will set up a proportion:

200 words / 5 minutes = x words / 1 minute

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply the fractions:

5 minutes * x words = 200 words * 1 minute

5x = 200

Now we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 5:

x = 200 / 5

x = 40

Therefore, Javier can text 40 words in one minute.