Temperature also affects the motion of atoms in a gas. Given what you know about temperature, pressure, and volume, which statement is NOT correct?

A As a gas is heated, the volume increases.As a gas is heated, the volume increases.
B As a gas is heated, the pressure increases.As a gas is heated, the pressure increases.
C As a gas is heated, the pressure decreases.As a gas is heated, the pressure decreases.
D As a gas is heated, energy increases and molecules spread out.As a gas is heated, energy increases and molecules spread out.
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C As a gas is heated, the pressure decreases.

C As a gas is heated, the pressure decreases.

The correct answer is option C: "As a gas is heated, the pressure decreases."

Explanation: According to the ideal gas law, when the temperature of a gas increases, its pressure will also increase if the volume is kept constant (Boyle's Law). This is because the increase in temperature causes the gas molecules to move faster and collide more frequently with the walls of the container, thus increasing the pressure. Conversely, if the volume is allowed to expand, the gas molecules have more space to move and spread out, leading to a decrease in pressure. Therefore, option C is not correct.