Identify the sentence pattern used in the sentence.

My subject was my uncle's farm in Colorado.
(1 point)
subject–verb–predicate nominative
subject–verb–predicate adjective


The sentence pattern used in the sentence "My subject was my uncle's farm in Colorado" is subject-verb-predicate nominative.

To identify the sentence pattern used in the sentence "My subject was my uncle's farm in Colorado", we need to break down the sentence and understand the different elements.

1. "My subject" - This is the subject of the sentence, indicating who or what the sentence is about.
2. "was" - This is the verb in the sentence, showing the action or state of being.
3. "my uncle's farm in Colorado" - This is a prepositional phrase that functions as the predicate nominative, renaming or identifying the subject.

Based on this analysis, the sentence pattern used is subject-verb-predicate nominative.