Canadian businesses and citizens have a lot of economic freedom because the government has a ________________ role in the economy. (1 point)








Canadian businesses and citizens have a lot of economic freedom because the government has a limited role in the economy. To understand why this is the case, let's break down the options:

1. Substantial: If the government had a substantial role in the economy, it means that it would have a significant level of control and involvement in various economic activities. This would likely restrict the freedom of businesses and citizens, as the government would have the power to regulate and intervene in economic decisions.

2. Unlimited: If the government had an unlimited role in the economy, it would imply that there are no restrictions or limitations on its involvement. This would likely lead to a highly regulated and controlled economy, limiting the freedom of businesses and citizens to make their own economic decisions.

3. Limited: In the case of Canada, the government plays a limited role in the economy. This means that while it has some level of regulation and intervention to ensure fair competition and protect public interest, it allows businesses and citizens a significant amount of freedom to operate and make economic choices according to their own preferences. This approach promotes entrepreneurship, private enterprise, and individual economic decisions, which contribute to the economic freedom enjoyed by Canadians.

4. Controlling: If the government had a controlling role in the economy, it would suggest that it exercises extensive power and authority over economic activities, potentially leading to limited freedom for businesses and citizens.

Based on these options, the most appropriate answer is "limited", as it accurately reflects the government's role in the Canadian economy and the resulting economic freedom enjoyed by businesses and citizens.