How many square inches are in 0.732 square yard? Round the answer to 3 significant digits.

There are 631.733 square inches in 0.732 square yards.

To find the number of square inches in 0.732 square yards, you can use the conversion factor: 1 square yard is equal to 9 square feet and 1 square foot is equal to 144 square inches.

First, we need to convert square yards to square feet. Since 1 square yard is equal to 9 square feet, we can multiply 0.732 square yards by 9 square feet/square yard:

0.732 square yards * 9 square feet/square yard = 6.588 square feet

Next, we need to convert square feet to square inches. Since 1 square foot is equal to 144 square inches, we can multiply 6.588 square feet by 144 square inches/square foot:

6.588 square feet * 144 square inches/square foot = 948.672 square inches

Rounding the answer to 3 significant digits, we get:

948.672 square inches ≈ 949 square inches

Therefore, there are approximately 949 square inches in 0.732 square yards.

To find out how many square inches are in 0.732 square yards, you can use the conversion factor:

1 square yard = 9 square feet

To convert from square yards to square feet, multiply the number of square yards by 9:

0.732 square yards * 9 square feet/square yard = 6.588 square feet

Next, we can convert from square feet to square inches. Since 1 square foot is equal to 144 square inches, we can multiply the number of square feet by 144:

6.588 square feet * 144 square inches/square foot = 949.392 square inches

Therefore, there are 949.392 square inches in 0.732 square yards when rounded to 3 significant digits.