Which of these changes occurred in Georgia after it became a royal colony? Choose the two that apply.

Slavery was permitted in Georgia

Alcohol consumption was legalized

The Moravians were expelled from Georgia

American Indians were granted full citizenship

The two changes that occurred in Georgia after it became a royal colony are:

1. Slavery was permitted in Georgia
2. The Moravians were expelled from Georgia

The two changes that occurred in Georgia after it became a royal colony are:

1. Slavery was permitted in Georgia.
2. The Moravians were expelled from Georgia.

To determine which of these changes occurred in Georgia after it became a royal colony, we can eliminate the options that do not apply by providing explanations for each possibility.

1. Slavery was permitted in Georgia: This change did occur after Georgia became a royal colony. However, it is important to note that slavery was not immediately permitted but was legalized a few years after Georgia became a royal colony, which was in 1752.

2. Alcohol consumption was legalized: This change did not occur in Georgia after it became a royal colony. In fact, Georgia continued to enforce strict regulations on alcohol consumption even after it became a royal colony.

3. The Moravians were expelled from Georgia: This change did not occur after Georgia became a royal colony. The Moravians, a Protestant religious group, were actually expelled from Georgia before it became a royal colony, during the period when Georgia was a proprietary colony.

4. American Indians were granted full citizenship: This change did not occur in Georgia after it became a royal colony. American Indians were not granted full citizenship in Georgia during this period.

Based on the explanations above, the two changes that occurred in Georgia after it became a royal colony are:

1. Slavery was permitted in Georgia.
2. The Moravians were expelled from Georgia.

Please note that historical events can be complex, and the specific circumstances can vary. Consulting historical sources or further research is recommended for a comprehensive understanding of the topic.