Salem, Oregon and St. Paul, Minnesota are both located at 45 deg * N latitude. Salem is located near the Pacific; St. Paul is landlocked. Which of the follow would you expect? (1 point)

that St. Paul will be colder in the winter

that St. Paul will be cooler in the summer

that Salem will be colder in the winter

that both will be the same temperature

That St. Paul will be colder in the winter.

Based on the given information, I would expect that St. Paul will be colder in the winter compared to Salem. This is because Salem is located near the Pacific, which could moderate its winter temperatures, while St. Paul is landlocked and may experience more extreme cold temperatures.

To answer this question, we need to consider some factors that affect climate such as proximity to large bodies of water and the positioning of land masses. The fact that Salem is located near the Pacific Ocean while St. Paul is landlocked is an important distinction.

The presence of large bodies of water, such as the Pacific Ocean, can moderate temperatures and create more mild climates. The landlocked nature of St. Paul means it is not influenced by the moderating effects of a nearby ocean. As a result, we would expect St. Paul to experience more extreme temperature variations throughout the year compared to Salem.

Given that both cities are located at the same latitude (45 degrees N), we would not expect a significant difference in average temperature between the two cities. However, due to its landlocked nature, St. Paul may experience colder winters compared to Salem, as it does not benefit from the moderating effects of the nearby Pacific Ocean.

Therefore, the answer to the question is: We would expect St. Paul to be colder in the winter compared to Salem.