Which of the following statements best interprets why the Canton System ended?(1 point) Responses Europeans’ efforts to avoid Canton System regulations led them to smuggle illegal drugs into China, resulting in war. Europeans’ efforts to avoid Canton System regulations led them to smuggle illegal drugs into China, resulting in war. Europeans refused to see themselves as tributes to the Qing Dynasty. Europeans refused to see themselves as tributes to the Qing Dynasty. Very few countries wanted to use the Canton System. Very few countries wanted to use the Canton System. The Qing Dynasty decided that trading with Europeans was not beneficial.

The statement "Europeans’ efforts to avoid Canton System regulations led them to smuggle illegal drugs into China, resulting in war" best interprets why the Canton System ended.

The statement "Europeans’ efforts to avoid Canton System regulations led them to smuggle illegal drugs into China, resulting in war." best interprets why the Canton System ended.

To determine the best interpretation for why the Canton System ended, we need to evaluate each statement and identify the most plausible explanation.

First, let's look at the statement that suggests Europeans' efforts to avoid Canton System regulations led them to smuggle illegal drugs into China, resulting in war. While the opium trade did contribute to conflict between China and European powers, it was not the primary reason for the end of the Canton System.

The second statement proposes that Europeans refused to see themselves as tributes to the Qing Dynasty. While there were tensions between the Chinese authorities and European traders regarding issues of tribute, this alone does not fully explain the end of the Canton System.

The third statement suggests that very few countries wanted to use the Canton System. While there may have been some dissatisfaction among countries trading with China under the Canton System, it does not squarely address the primary reasons for its demise.

The final statement states that the Qing Dynasty decided that trading with Europeans was not beneficial. This statement aligns with historical records and is the best interpretation of why the Canton System ended. The Qing Dynasty considered the system's restrictive nature and limited benefits from trade, leading them to terminate the system in favor of establishing treaty ports and engaging in a more open trade policy.

Therefore, the statement that best interprets why the Canton System ended is: "The Qing Dynasty decided that trading with Europeans was not beneficial."