7: What was the legacy of Columbus in terms of the treatment of Indians? (1 point)

a. Fair and just treatment

b. Harsh and cruel treatment

c. Equal partnership

d. Collaborative coexistence

b. Harsh and cruel treatment

b. Harsh and cruel treatment

To determine the legacy of Columbus in terms of the treatment of Indians, we need to examine historical records and scholarly research. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Start by researching primary sources: Look for Columbus' own accounts of his interactions with the indigenous peoples he encountered, such as his letters, journals, and logbooks. These primary sources can provide insights into how Columbus and his crew treated the Indians.

2. Consult historical records: Study historical records from the time of Columbus, including official documents, diaries of other explorers, and accounts from settlers, missionaries, and indigenous peoples. These records may shed light on the treatment of Indians during Columbus' expeditions and the subsequent colonization efforts.

3. Review scholarly research: Read scholarly articles and books written by historians and experts in the field. These works often analyze and interpret primary sources and historical records to provide a comprehensive understanding of the treatment of Indians during Columbus' era.

4. Consider multiple perspectives: Keep in mind that different scholars may have different interpretations of Columbus' legacy. Be sure to explore a range of viewpoints to gain a well-rounded understanding of the topic.

By engaging in this research process, you can closely examine historical evidence and expert analysis to determine the most accurate answer to the question about Columbus' treatment of Indians.