2. Which of the following options best describes why Christopher Columbus wanted to start an expedition?(1 point)


Columbus wanted to discover the Americas.
Columbus wanted to discover the Americas.

Columbus wanted to establish a colony in the Caribbean.
Columbus wanted to establish a colony in the Caribbean.

Columbus hoped to find gold to pay for the voyage and become wealthy himself.
Columbus hoped to find gold to pay for the voyage and become wealthy himself.

Columbus wanted to find a sea route to Africa for trade.

Columbus wanted to find a sea route to Africa for trade.

The option that best describes why Christopher Columbus wanted to start an expedition is: Columbus hoped to find gold to pay for the voyage and become wealthy himself.

The correct answer is: "Columbus hoped to find gold to pay for the voyage and become wealthy himself."

To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate options that are repetitive or unrelated to Columbus's motivations.

Option 1: "Columbus wanted to discover the Americas" is repetitive, as it is the same as option 2.

Option 2: "Columbus wanted to establish a colony in the Caribbean" is a possibility, as Columbus did establish colonies in the Caribbean. However, this option does not capture his primary motive for the expedition.

Option 4: "Columbus wanted to find a sea route to Africa for trade" is unrelated to Columbus's motivations, as his goal was not specifically to find a route to Africa.

Therefore, the answer is option 3: "Columbus hoped to find gold to pay for the voyage and become wealthy himself." This aligns with his desire to finance his expedition and find wealth in the New World.