Today you will submit : your essay plan. You do NOT need to submit a completed essay. Your plan might take the form of an outline, a concept map, or the provided graphic organizer (see Lesson Intro page resources). This outline/plan should be created on a separate document. Be sure to include all requirements (below).

Type your thesis statement here. (You will upload your outline/plan in item 2.)

When you are done writing, ask yourself:
Did I include a clear, effective thesis statement? (2 points)
Does my thesis statement share the main focus of my essay? (2 points)
Did I use appropriate punctuation and capitalization? (2 points)

make it prove a point about something

Thesis statement: Through an analysis of historical events and societal changes, this essay will prove that advancements in technology have had a profound impact on the way humans communicate and interact with each other.

Yes, the thesis statement is clear and effective. It clearly states the main focus of the essay, which is to prove the impact of technology on communication and interaction.

The punctuation and capitalization in the thesis statement are appropriate.

Thesis Statement: The impact of climate change on wildlife species is a pressing issue that requires urgent attention and action.

To ensure the effectiveness of your thesis statement, consider the following:

1. Clear and Effective Thesis Statement:
- Is your thesis statement concise and to the point?
- Does it clearly state your main argument or position?

Example: The impact of climate change on wildlife species is a pressing issue that requires urgent attention and action.

2. Main Focus of the Essay:
- Does your thesis statement clearly address the main focus of your essay?
- Is it relevant to the topic and the requirements of the assignment?

Example: The thesis statement acknowledges the central focus of the essay, which is climate change's impact on wildlife species.

3. Appropriate Punctuation and Capitalization:
- Have you followed the rules of punctuation and capitalization?
- Are all the necessary punctuation marks in place?

Example: The thesis statement is correctly punctuated and capitalized.

Remember, the thesis statement is the foundation of your essay, so it is essential to ensure that it meets the requirements mentioned above.

To create an effective essay plan, you should follow these steps:

1. Understand the Prompt: Read the prompt carefully and identify the main topic or theme you are expected to write about. Make sure you have a clear understanding of what is being asked of you.

2. Brainstorm Ideas: Take some time to brainstorm ideas related to the topic. Write down any thoughts, arguments, or examples that come to mind. This will help you generate content for your essay.

3. Create a Thesis Statement: Your thesis statement is a concise statement that presents the main point or argument of your essay. It sets the tone for your writing and guides the reader on what to expect.

To create a thesis statement, ask yourself: What point do I want to prove about the topic? Your thesis statement should clearly express that point.

For example, if the topic is "The impact of social media on society," a possible thesis statement could be: "Social media has significantly transformed the way people communicate, connect, and share information, leading to both positive and negative effects on society."

4. Organize Your Supporting Points: Once you have a clear thesis statement, organize the supporting points or arguments that will help prove your thesis. These should be the main ideas that you will expand on in your essay.

Create an outline, concept map, or graphic organizer to arrange your thoughts and ensure a logical flow of ideas. You can use headings, subheadings, or bullet points to structure your outline.

For example:
I. Introduction
A. Hook
B. Background information
C. Thesis statement

II. Impact of Social Media on Communication
A. Increased accessibility and interconnectedness
B. Changes in language and communication styles
C. Opportunities for self-expression

III. Effects of Social Media on Relationships
A. Strengthening long-distance relationships
B. Decreased face-to-face interaction
C. Impact on interpersonal skills

IV. Social Media and Information Sharing
A. Rapid dissemination of news and trends
B. Spread of misinformation and fake news
C. Filter bubbles and echo chambers

V. Conclusion
A. Restate thesis statement
B. Summarize main points
C. Conclude with a thought-provoking statement

5. Review for Clarity and Mechanics: Before submitting your essay plan, read through it to ensure that your thesis statement is clear, effective, and aligned with the main focus of your essay. Check for appropriate punctuation, capitalization, and grammar to ensure your plan is well-presented.

Remember, your essay plan is a roadmap that guides your writing process. It helps you stay organized and focused on your main ideas while ensuring a structured and coherent essay.