Which of the following forms of theory explaining the great Atlantic migration?

A.Economic pull factors in Europe due industrial growth
B. economic push factors in Europe, resulting from crop failures
C. Environmental pull factors in the US held a desirable climate
D. political push factors in Europe due to government instability.

All of the above options can be considered forms of theory explaining the great Atlantic migration.

The forms of theory explaining the great Atlantic migration are:

A. Economic pull factors in Europe due to industrial growth: This theory suggests that people were attracted to the United States by economic opportunities created by the industrial revolution in Europe.

B. Economic push factors in Europe resulting from crop failures: This theory suggests that crop failures and other economic hardships in Europe pushed people to migrate to the United States in search of better opportunities.

C. Environmental pull factors in the US held a desirable climate: This theory suggests that the United States' favorable climate drew people to migrate there for a better quality of life.

D. Political push factors in Europe due to government instability: This theory suggests that political instability in Europe, such as wars or social unrest, pushed people to migrate to the United States to escape these conditions.

So, all of the options provided (A, B, C, and D) represent different forms of theory explaining the great Atlantic migration.

To determine which of the given options best explains the great Atlantic migration, we need to understand each option and then analyze which one aligns with the historical context.

A. Economic pull factors in Europe due to industrial growth: This option suggests that Europeans were attracted to the Americas due to economic opportunities resulting from industrial growth in Europe.

B. Economic push factors in Europe resulting from crop failures: This option suggests that Europeans were forced to leave Europe due to crop failures, which led to economic hardships.

C. Environmental pull factors in the US held a desirable climate: This option implies that the United States was attractive to European migrants due to its favorable climate.

D. Political push factors in Europe due to government instability: This option suggests that political instability in Europe pushed people to migrate to the Americas.

Considering the historical context, the great Atlantic migration primarily took place during the late 19th and early 20th centuries when Europe experienced significant economic and political changes. While all the options could have influenced migration to some extent, economic factors played a predominant role.

Therefore, option A, "Economic pull factors in Europe due to industrial growth," is the most accurate explanation for the great Atlantic migration.