Think about how much time it will take you to create your product. You have

200 hours this summer to devote to creating your product. Write an
inequality that represents your 100 time constraint.
Solve your inequality and graph your solution on a number line.
Explain what your solution means in terms of the situation.

Let's represent the time it takes to create the product as "x" hours.

The inequality that represents the 100-time constraint is:
x ≤ 100

To solve this inequality, we need to consider values of x that are less than or equal to 100.

Graphing the solution on a number line, we represent the values from 0 to 100, including 100, with a closed circle at the point 100 on the number line.

The solution means that the time it takes to create the product must be less than or equal to 100 hours. Therefore, in terms of the situation, this inequality represents the constraint that the product creation should not take more than 100 hours out of the available 200 hours of summer time.

To represent the time constraint of 100 hours, we can write the inequality:

x ≤ 100

Where x represents the time in hours.

To solve this inequality, we can graph the solution on a number line. Start by drawing a line with zero in the middle and mark it with points for multiples of 10, up to 100. Since the inequality is inclusive of the solution, we will use a closed circle at 100 to indicate that it is included in the solution set. Then, draw an arrow extending to the left to represent all the values less than or equal to 100.

The number line should look like this:


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Now, let's explain the solution in terms of the situation.

The solution x ≤ 100 means that the time spent creating the product cannot exceed 100 hours. Any value for x that is less than or equal to 100 is within the time constraint. In other words, you must complete your product creation within 100 hours or less.

To represent the time constraint of 100 hours, we can create the following inequality:

x ≤ 100

This inequality means that the amount of time spent creating the product, represented by 'x', should be less than or equal to 100 hours.

To solve this inequality, we consider that the maximum time available is 200 hours. Therefore, the solution would be any value of 'x' that is less than or equal to 100.

Graphically, we can represent this solution on a number line. We mark the point 100, and shade everything to the left of it, including the point itself. This represents all the possible values of 'x' that satisfy the inequality.

As for the situation, the solution means that you have a maximum time constraint of 100 hours to create your product within the available 200-hour time frame. It ensures that you will not exceed the given time limit and have enough time for other activities as well.