You are trying to decide if it is worth the investment to make the cakes if it takes 2.5 hours to make each cake and you have 200 hours this summer to devote to creating your product. Write an inequality that represents your time constraint.

*Use x as the variable

The inequality that represents the time constraint is:

2.5x ≤ 200

The inequality that represents your time constraint can be written as:

2.5x ≤ 200

Where x represents the number of cakes you can make and 2.5x represents the total time required to make x cakes.

To represent the time constraint of 200 hours, we can write the following inequality using the variable "x":

2.5x ≤ 200

In this inequality, 'x' represents the number of cakes being made. We know that each cake takes 2.5 hours to make. So, if we multiply the number of cakes by 2.5 hours per cake, we get the total time spent making the cakes.

Since we want to ensure that the total time spent making the cakes is less than or equal to 200 hours, we use the inequality symbol "≤" (less than or equal to).