Think about how much time it will take you to create your product. You have

200 hours this summer to devote to creating your product. Write an
inequality that represents your time constraint.
Solve your inequality and graph your solution on a number line.
Explain what your solution means in terms of the situation.

Let's denote the time it takes to create the product as "t" (in hours). We have the constraint that we have 200 hours available this summer. The inequality representing this time constraint is:

t ≤ 200

To solve this inequality, we simply graph the solution on a number line. Our solution includes all values of t that are less than or equal to 200. Therefore, we shade the number line to the left of or including 200.

Explanation of the solution: This means that any value of "t" (time) that is less than or equal to 200 hours is within the time constraint limit. As long as the time required to create the product falls within this range, it can be achieved within the 200-hour time frame available this summer.

Let's use the variable "x" to represent the number of hours it takes to create the product.

The inequality that represents the time constraint is:
x ≤ 200

To solve this inequality, there's no need for any additional steps since "x" is already isolated.

Now, let's graph the solution on a number line.
On the number line, mark a closed circle at 200, indicating that x can be equal to 200. Then draw an arrow to the left, showing that x is less than or equal to 200.

The explanation of the solution in terms of the situation is that the number of hours, "x", it takes to create the product should not exceed 200 hours. The closed circle at 200 indicates that you can spend exactly 200 hours, while the arrow to the left shows that any number less than or equal to 200 is within the time constraint.

To write an inequality that represents your time constraint, we can let "x" represent the number of hours it takes to create your product. The constraint is that you have 200 hours this summer, so the inequality will be x ≤ 200.

To solve this inequality, there is no need for any additional steps as it is already solved for x. The solution is x ≤ 200.

When we graph the solution on a number line, we represent the values for x that satisfy the inequality. Since x represents the number of hours it takes to create the product, any value of x that is less than or equal to 200 will meet the time constraint.

For the number line, we can mark a point at 200 and shade all the values to the left of it. The shaded region represents the hours it takes to create the product within the time constraint.

In terms of the situation, the solution x ≤ 200 means that you can spend up to 200 hours creating your product this summer and still meet your time constraint. Any amount of time less than or equal to 200 hours is within your available time frame.