Rory is taking a self-awareness quiz in a fitness magazine. What question is MOST likely to appear on the quiz?

(1 point)

Is flexibility important for people to have?

Is flexibility important for people to have?

Do you prefer to work out alone or with other people?

Do you prefer to work out alone or with other people?

What exercise is best for boosting cardio endurance?

What exercise is best for boosting cardio endurance?

Who is the most physically fit person you know?

Is flexibility important for people to have?

The question that is MOST likely to appear on the quiz is "Is flexibility important for people to have?"

To determine the question that is most likely to appear on the self-awareness quiz, we can analyze the context provided. The quiz is featured in a fitness magazine, indicating that it is likely to focus on fitness-related topics. Considering the options provided, questions (1) and (2) ask about personal preferences related to working out, while question (4) asks for personal opinions about a physically fit individual.

Given that the quiz is intended to enhance self-awareness, it is more likely that question (3) - "Is flexibility important for people to have?" - would appear on the quiz. This question prompts individuals to consider the importance of flexibility in relation to fitness, thus aligning with the broader theme of the self-awareness quiz.