Which of the following statements shows one way historians would assess the effect of José Gutiérrez de Lara’s actions on the Mexican War for Independence?(1 point)


His heroism and leadership were a turning point for Mexican independence.
His heroism and leadership were a turning point for Mexican independence.

Divisions between him and other Texas leaders caused rebels to lose the Battle of Medina.
Divisions between him and other Texas leaders caused rebels to lose the Battle of Medina.

He successfully unified rebels against Spain and helped win the Battle of Medina.
He successfully unified rebels against Spain and helped win the Battle of Medina.

By acting as a spy for Spain, he destroyed attempts for Mexican independence.
By acting as a spy for Spain, he destroyed attempts for Mexican independence.
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The correct statement that shows one way historians would assess the effect of José Gutiérrez de Lara’s actions on the Mexican War for Independence is:

His heroism and leadership were a turning point for Mexican independence.

The statement that shows one way historians would assess the effect of José Gutiérrez de Lara's actions on the Mexican War for Independence is: "He successfully unified rebels against Spain and helped win the Battle of Medina."

To assess the effect of José Gutiérrez de Lara’s actions on the Mexican War for Independence, historians would typically look at the evidence and evaluate the different statements made about him. Based on the options provided, here are the ways historians would assess his effect:

1. "His heroism and leadership were a turning point for Mexican independence." In this statement, historians would look for evidence of Gutiérrez de Lara's heroism and leadership, such as his role in important battles or influential actions he took that had a significant impact on the outcome of the war. They would also want to see evidence of the turning point that resulted from his actions.

2. "Divisions between him and other Texas leaders caused rebels to lose the Battle of Medina." Historians would examine historical records to determine if there were indeed divisions between Gutiérrez de Lara and other leaders, and if these divisions played a role in the loss at the Battle of Medina. They would look for evidence of conflicts or disagreements that weakened the rebel forces.

3. "He successfully unified rebels against Spain and helped win the Battle of Medina." Historians would seek evidence of Gutiérrez de Lara's efforts to unify rebels against Spain and evaluate if these efforts were successful. They would also look for evidence of his role in the Battle of Medina and if his actions directly contributed to a victory.

4. "By acting as a spy for Spain, he destroyed attempts for Mexican independence." To assess this statement, historians would explore historical records to determine if there is any evidence of Gutiérrez de Lara acting as a spy for Spain. They would also consider the consequences of such actions and evaluate if it indeed led to the failure of attempts for Mexican independence.

In summary, historians would assess the effect of José Gutiérrez de Lara's actions on the Mexican War for Independence by examining the evidence related to his heroism, leadership, potential divisions among rebel leaders, unification efforts, and actions that might have hindered or aided the cause of independence.