Which sentence from the article contains information that should be left out of an abstract?

A. “ Mechanical engineer Oliver O’Reilly began looking into this telltale problem three years ago, after trying to teach his young daughter to tie her shoes.”
B. “This result suggest lace made from heavier materials may be more prone to screwing up, because unless you’re phenomenally gifted at tying even knots, one free end will likely be longer than the other.”
C. Right off the bat, they found shoelaces didn’t untie when a person just swung their foot nor when they only stamped the ground.”
D. “The team acquired a high-speed camera and pointed it at Gregg’s shoes as she ran on a treadmill.”

D. “The team acquired a high-speed camera and pointed it at Gregg’s shoes as she ran on a treadmill.”

The sentence that contains information that should be left out of an abstract is:

A. "Mechanical engineer Oliver O’Reilly began looking into this telltale problem three years ago, after trying to teach his young daughter to tie her shoes."

To identify which sentence from the article contains information that should be left out of an abstract, we first need to understand what an abstract is.

An abstract is a brief summary of the main points of a research paper or article. It typically includes the purpose, methods, results, and conclusions of the study. The goal of an abstract is to provide readers with a concise overview of the research without going into unnecessary details.

Now, considering the options provided:

A. "Mechanical engineer Oliver O'Reilly began looking into this telltale problem three years ago, after trying to teach his young daughter to tie her shoes."
B. "This result suggests lace made from heavier materials may be more prone to screwing up, because unless you're phenomenally gifted at tying even knots, one free end will likely be longer than the other."
C. "Right off the bat, they found shoelaces didn’t untie when a person just swung their foot nor when they only stamped the ground."
D. "The team acquired a high-speed camera and pointed it at Gregg's shoes as she ran on a treadmill."

To identify the sentence that contains information that should be left out of an abstract, we should look for details that are unrelated to the purpose, methods, results, or conclusions of the study.

Option A talks about the motivation behind the research but does not directly contribute to understanding the main findings of the study. Therefore, sentence A should be left out of the abstract.

So, the sentence that should be left out of an abstract is A. "Mechanical engineer Oliver O'Reilly began looking into this telltale problem three years ago, after trying to teach his young daughter to tie her shoes."