Identify which of the following are key teachings of Judaism

love your neighbor
observe the sabbath
slavery is forbidden
do not make war

The key teachings of Judaism among the options provided are:

1. Love your neighbor: This principle, known as the "Golden Rule," is a fundamental teaching in Judaism. It emphasizes the importance of treating others with kindness, respect, and compassion.

2. Observe the Sabbath: Observing the Sabbath, which begins at sundown on Friday and concludes at nightfall on Saturday, is one of the central practices in Judaism. It involves setting aside time for rest, worship, and reflection.

3. Slavery is forbidden: Judaism teaches that the enslavement of others is immoral and strictly forbidden. The concept of freedom and dignity for all individuals is deeply ingrained in Jewish ethical values.

4. Righteousness: Righteousness, or being just and compassionate, is an essential principle emphasized in Judaism. It involves acting ethically, pursuing justice, and performing acts of kindness or tikkun olam (repairing the world).

However, it's important to note that Judaism encompasses a wide range of beliefs and practices, and these key teachings are not exhaustive.

The key teachings of Judaism can be identified as follows:

1. Love your neighbor: This teaching emphasizes the importance of treating others with kindness, compassion, and respect. It is a core principle of Judaism to promote harmony and unity among individuals.

2. Observe the Sabbath: Judaism teaches the observance of the Sabbath, which begins on Friday evening and ends on Saturday evening. During this time, Jews are encouraged to rest, engage in spiritual activities, and refrain from work.

3. Slavery is forbidden: In Judaism, the principle of freedom and dignity for all humanity is upheld. Slavery is considered morally wrong and is explicitly forbidden within Jewish teachings.

4. Do not make war: While Judaism does recognize the value of self-defense, it also promotes peace and the resolution of conflicts through peaceful means. The belief is that war should be a last resort and should only be used in self-defense or to protect others from harm.

5. Righteousness: The concept of righteousness is central to Judaism. It involves living a moral and ethical life, following the commandments of God, and treating others fairly and justly.

These are some of the key teachings of Judaism, emphasizing love for others, the observance of the Sabbath, the prohibition of slavery, the pursuit of peace, and the importance of righteousness.

To identify which of the following are key teachings of Judaism, we can analyze each statement and determine if it aligns with the core principles and values of the religion.

1. Love your neighbor: This teaching is indeed a key principle of Judaism. It stems from the Torah, the central text of Judaism, and is often summarized as "Love your neighbor as yourself." This commandment emphasizes the importance of compassion, empathy, and treating others with kindness.

2. Observe the Sabbath: Observing the Sabbath is a fundamental practice in Judaism. The Sabbath, which begins on Friday at sundown and ends on Saturday at nightfall, is a day of rest and worship. It is considered a holy day dedicated to connecting with God, spending time with family, and abstaining from work.

3. Slavery is forbidden: Judaism indeed prohibits slavery. The Torah discourages the ownership of slaves and emphasizes the equality and dignity of all individuals. While some guidelines about slavery are mentioned in the Torah, the overall message discourages its practice and promotes ethical treatment of fellow human beings.

4. Do not make war: Judaism does not explicitly teach that war is always forbidden. However, the religion places a strong emphasis on pursuing peace and resolving conflicts through peaceful means whenever possible. In Jewish teachings, the value of peace, justice, and reconciliation is highly regarded.

5. Righteousness: Righteousness is a broad concept that encompasses living a morally upright life and following the commandments outlined in the Torah. It is considered a key value in Judaism, as it emphasizes the importance of ethical conduct, justice, and adherence to God's laws.

In summary, the key teachings of Judaism from the given options are:
- Love your neighbor
- Observe the Sabbath
- Slavery is forbidden
- Righteousness