Which represents an Aztec adaptation to their environment? (1 point)

a surplus of farmed crops
an accurate 365-day calendar
a system of causeways
farming in terraces

farming in terraces

Farming in terraces represents an Aztec adaptation to their environment.

To determine which option represents an Aztec adaptation to their environment, we need to understand the context of the Aztec civilization and their unique characteristics. The Aztecs were a Mesoamerican civilization that thrived from the 14th to the 16th centuries in what is now modern-day Mexico.

1. Surplus of farmed crops: This option could be considered an adaptation to their environment. The Aztecs developed effective agricultural practices to sustain their large population in an area with limited fertile land. They constructed chinampas, which were artificial islands used for farming, and employed advanced irrigation techniques to maximize crop production. As a result, they successfully achieved surplus crops, which allowed them to support their growing civilization.

2. Accurate 365-day calendar: While the Aztecs did indeed develop a highly accurate calendar system, it can be considered more of a cultural and scientific achievement rather than an adaptation to their physical environment. Their calendar, known as the "Tonalpohualli," had 365 days and was instrumental in their religious ceremonies, agricultural practices, and social organization.

3. System of causeways: While the Aztecs did establish an impressive network of causeways to connect their capital city of Tenochtitlan to the mainland, this can also be seen as more of a cultural and infrastructural achievement rather than an adaptation to their environment. The causeways, known as "calzadas," were essential for transportation and trade within the complex lake environment surrounding Tenochtitlan.

4. Farming in terraces: This option represents an incorrect attribution to the Aztecs. Farming in terraces, which involves creating stepped platforms on hillsides to cultivate crops, was predominantly utilized by other civilizations, such as the Incas in South America. However, the Aztecs did not adopt this specific terracing technique as they inhabited a flat valley terrain surrounding Lake Texcoco.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer would be "a surplus of farmed crops" as it best represents an Aztec adaptation to their environment.