Analyzing Details Quick Check

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Which word describes a brief story that is told to make a point?(1 point)





The correct answer is "anecdote".

To determine which word describes a brief story that is told to make a point, we can use our understanding of the definitions of the words provided as options.

1. Illustration: This word refers to a picture, diagram, or other visual representation used to enhance or clarify something. It does not specifically refer to a brief story told to make a point.

2. Example: This word refers to a specific instance or case used to illustrate or demonstrate a point. While it is similar to an anecdote, it does not necessarily suggest a brief story.

3. Anecdote: This word refers to a short, often personal, story that is used to illustrate or emphasize a point. Anecdotes are usually used to add a personal touch or provide a relatable example.

Based on these definitions, the correct word that describes a brief story told to make a point is "anecdote."

The word that describes a brief story that is told to make a point is "anecdote."