Which type of media should Maria use in her essay to help show the different food chains present in the rainforest?(1 point)


a map
a map

a diagram
a diagram

a timeline
a timeline

a graph

a diagram

To help show the different food chains present in the rainforest, Maria should use a diagram. A diagram can visually represent the various connections and relationships between different organisms in a food chain.

To help show the different food chains present in the rainforest in her essay, Maria should consider using a diagram. A diagram can visually represent the various organisms and their interactions within a food chain. It allows for clear and concise visualization of the flow of energy and nutrients in the ecosystem. Maria can create a diagram by illustrating the different levels of the food chain, including producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, and decomposers, and demonstrating their relationships through arrows or connections. This will effectively showcase the complex network of feeding relationships in the rainforest and help to visually communicate her ideas.