Describe 3 ways to write the ratio that compares 4 electronic devices for every 3 people.

1) The ratio of electronic devices to people is 4:3.

2) For every 3 people, there are 4 electronic devices.
3) The ratio of people to electronic devices is 3:4.

To write the ratio that compares 4 electronic devices for every 3 people, there are three ways to represent it:

1. The first way is to write it as a fraction:
4 devices / 3 people

2. The second way is to write it using a colon (:):
4 devices : 3 people

3. The third way is to write it using the word "to":
4 devices to 3 people

To write the ratio that compares 4 electronic devices for every 3 people, there are three possible ways:

1. First method: Using the colon symbol (:)
The ratio can be written as 4:3. In this representation, the number before the colon corresponds to the number of electronic devices, while the number after the colon represents the number of people.

2. Second method: Using the word "to"
The ratio can be written as 4 to 3. In this representation, the number before "to" represents the number of electronic devices, while the number after "to" represents the number of people.

3. Third method: Using fraction notation
The ratio can be written as a fraction, with the number of electronic devices as the numerator and the number of people as the denominator. So, the ratio can be written as 4/3.

Any of these three methods can be used to properly represent the ratio comparing 4 electronic devices for every 3 people.