Describe three ways to write the ratio that compares 4 electronic devices for every 3 people

To write the ratio that compares 4 electronic devices for every 3 people, you can use the following three ways:

1. As a fraction: The ratio can be written as 4/3, where the numerator (4) represents the number of electronic devices and the denominator (3) represents the number of people.

2. As a colon: Another way to write the ratio is as 4:3. This notation implies that there are 4 electronic devices for every 3 people.

3. As a verbal expression: You can express the ratio as "4 electronic devices for every 3 people". This description conveys the idea that for every 3 people, there are 4 electronic devices.

1) 4:3

2) 4/3
3) "There are 4 electronic devices for every 3 people."