An aerial view of a mountain range with steep jagged cliffs is shown.

The textures that are present in this image are
(1 point)






The textures that are present in the image of an aerial view of the mountain range with steep jagged cliffs are rough.

To determine the textures present in the aerial view of a mountain range with steep jagged cliffs, we can analyze the characteristics of the image.

1. Rough: From the description of "steep jagged cliffs," it is likely that the surface of the mountain range would appear rough due to the uneven and jagged terrain.

2. Smooth: Aerial views of mountain ranges might also reveal areas with relatively smooth surfaces, such as flat plains or gentle slopes. However, based on the given description of "steep jagged cliffs," it is less likely that there are large smooth sections present in this particular image.

3. Silky: The term "silky" typically refers to a soft and smooth texture, which is not likely to be present in a mountain range with steep jagged cliffs. Therefore, it is less likely that "silky" would accurately describe the textures in the image.

4. Soft: While the term "soft" may be relevant in describing the texture of certain objects or materials, such as a plush toy or a feather, it is not applicable to the landscape of a mountain range.

Given the description, the most appropriate answer would be "rough" since it aligns with the characteristics of steep and jagged cliffs.