Find the cube root of 81 / (root(81, 3))

root(81, 3)

The cube root of 81 divided by the cube root of 81 is 1.

To find the cube root of 81 divided by the cube root of 81, first, simplify the expression:

Cube root of 81 = ∛81 = 4

Now, divide 81 by 4:

81 / 4 = 20.25

So, the cube root of 81 divided by the cube root of 81 is approximately 20.25.

To find the cube root of 81 divided by the cube root of 81 (written as root(81, 3)), you can simplify it as follows:

1. First, simplify root(81, 3):
The cube root of 81 is 4, as 4 * 4 * 4 = 64, which is the largest cube less than 81.

2. Next, simplify 81 / 4:
Divide 81 by 4, which gives you 20.25.

Therefore, the cube root of 81 divided by root(81, 3) is approximately 20.25.