Which word describes the point of view of a writer who has a personal relationship with their subject?






The word that describes the point of view of a writer who has a personal relationship with their subject is "subjective."

The word that describes the point of view of a writer who has a personal relationship with their subject is "subjective." To understand this concept, it is important to consider the definitions of these terms.

Objective refers to being unbiased and impartial, taking into account only facts and not personal feelings or beliefs. An objective writer would maintain a distance from the subject, focusing solely on presenting neutral information.

Subjective, on the other hand, involves personal opinions, feelings, and perspectives that may influence how the writer presents and interprets information. A subjective writer would have a personal relationship or connection with their subject, which can impact their perspective and the way they portray it in their writing.

Therefore, if a writer has a personal relationship with their subject and their writing reflects their own opinions and experiences, then it can be described as subjective.