Create an abstract representation of the concept of making a claim. Showcase a person at a podium set against an attentive audience. Make the person of South Asian descent. Let the backdrop be the ether of thoughts, depicted as swirling thought bubbles in various stages of transparency and brightness. Symbolize the answers with different colored lights: the audience’s point of view as green hue rays emanating from the audience section, the author’s personal feelings as abstract blue waves surrounding the person at the podium, the author’s viewpoint as a bright yellow spotlight on the person and evidence as a red beam focusing on a notebook at the podium.

1. What is the definition of a claim?

A. the audience’s point of view on a topic
B. the feeling the author gets about a topic
C. the author’s opinion or point of view
D. the evidence from personal experience

Hey! I just wanted to tell all of you that you are all so awesome, smart, talented, and kind. And I know one day all of you will be very successful. You will probably go through the ups and downs, but after that you will have a amazing life! God made everyone of you to change one small thing in this world. I know this is a lot of cringe for most of you, but stay safe and have a wonderful rest of your life! 🥺💕

Answers For 2021:

1.A Specific Opinion That Can Be Supported By Evidence
2.Understanding What The Author's Argument Is, Determining How Convincing The Argument Is
3.Screen-Time Is Harmful To The Brain.
4.Seat Belts Save Lives.
5.Students Who Do Their Homework Do Better In School.
Good Luck!

Some might have a different Quick check so here are the answers.

1. an assertion that something is true
2. Reasons justify a point of view, while evidence supports an idea.
3. Apples provide a variety of health benefits.
4. persuasive
5. reasons and evidence

Every one is wrong trust me i just finished and got 3/5 these are the rzeal answers.

1-the authors opinion or point of view
2-understand what the authors argument is, determine how convincing the argument is
3-smoking is terrible for your health,screen-time is harmful to the brain
5-1.we should always hold trick-or-treating on the Saturday after Halloween

1.A Specific Opinion That Can Be Supported By Evidence

2.Understanding What The Author's Argument Is, Determining How Convincing The Argument Is
3.Screen-Time Is Harmful To The Brain.
4.Seat Belts Save Lives.
5.Students Who Do Their Homework Do Better In School.

100% guarantee also thx @lila :>

Your wrong thanks alot you got me a 1/5 #don't trust imMrbadguy

So the answers are??

are you all stupid the answers are shuffled if you wanna give the answers you have to do it in word form not in A,B,C,D,E.etc

Thank lia I got a 100

guys your all not understanding they always shuffle so the people arent wrong its jut you have to right out the answer so dont say it like

instead say
1.a statement that explains a point of view