
At her school's spring carnival, Devon is in charge of the balloon-launcher contest. In this contest, each team builds a catapult to launch water balloons at a target. Devon gives a bucket of 12 water balloons to each team in the contest. In all, she gives out 48 water balloons.
Which equation can you use to find the number of teams t in the contest?
Solve this equation for t to find the number of teams in the contest.

The equation that can be used to find the number of teams in the contest is:

12t = 48

To solve for t, we divide both sides of the equation by 12:
t = 48/12

t = 4

Therefore, there are 4 teams in the contest.

Let's set up the equation to find the number of teams in the contest.

Devon gives a bucket of 12 water balloons to each team, and in total gives out 48 water balloons. We can divide the total number of water balloons by the number of water balloons given to each team to find the number of teams.

The equation is: t * 12 = 48.

To solve for t, we divide both sides of the equation by 12:

t * 12 / 12 = 48 / 12.

This simplifies to:

t = 4.

Therefore, the number of teams in the contest is 4.

To find the number of teams in the contest, we need to set up an equation based on the information given. Let's call the number of teams "t".

We know that each team is given a bucket of 12 water balloons, and a total of 48 water balloons are given out. Therefore, we can set up the following equation:

12t = 48

To solve this equation for t, we need to isolate the variable t by itself.

Divide both sides of the equation by 12:

12t / 12 = 48 / 12

This simplifies to:

t = 4

The number of teams in the contest is 4.