ou drink this beverage in the mornings.

1 point
El refresco
El jugo de naranja
Las manzanas

El jugo de naranja

The beverage that is typically consumed in the mornings is "El jugo de naranja," which translates to orange juice.

The beverage that is typically consumed in the mornings is "El jugo de naranja" which means "orange juice" in English. It is a popular choice for breakfast due to its refreshing and vitamin-rich properties.

To find the answer to this question, you can follow these steps:
1. Understand the question: The question asks about a beverage that is consumed in the mornings.
2. Identify the options: The options provided are "Limonada" (lemonade), "El refresco" (soda), "El jugo de naranja" (orange juice), and "Las manzanas" (apples).
3. Analyze the options: Consider the suitability of each option for morning consumption. Lemonade, soda, and apples are not typically associated with breakfast, so they can be eliminated. This leaves us with "El jugo de naranja" (orange juice) as the most appropriate option.
4. Select the correct answer: Based on the analysis, "El jugo de naranja" is the suitable option for a morning beverage.

Therefore, "El jugo de naranja" is the correct answer to the question.