Boston makes 13 pizzas every 2 hours how many will it take to make 182 pizzas

If Boston makes 13 pizzas every 2 hours, then it makes 13/2 = <<13/2=6.5>>6.5 pizzas per hour.

To make 182 pizzas, it will take 182/6.5 = <<182/6.5=28>>28 hours. Answer: \boxed{28}.

To find out how many 2-hour periods it will take for Boston to make 182 pizzas, we can set up a proportion:

13 pizzas / 2 hours = 182 pizzas / x hours

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

13 * x = 182 * 2

13x = 364

x = 364 / 13

x ≈ 28

Therefore, it will take approximately 28 hours for Boston to make 182 pizzas.

To find out how many 2-hour periods it will take for Boston to make 182 pizzas, we can set up a proportion.

Let's assume x is the number of 2-hour periods Boston needs to make 182 pizzas.

Using the information given, we can set up the following proportion:

13 pizzas / 2 hours = 182 pizzas / x hours

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then solve for x:

13 * x = 2 * 182
13x = 364
x = 364 / 13
x ≈ 28

Therefore, it will take approximately 28 two-hour periods for Boston to make 182 pizzas.