Boston makes 13 pizzas every 2 hours. How many hours would it take to make 182 pizzas?

13 pizzas - 2 hrs

182 pizzas - x hrs

13x = 182 • 2
13x = 364
X = 364/13
X = 28 hrs

To find out how many hours it would take to make 182 pizzas, we can set up a proportion. Since Boston makes 13 pizzas every 2 hours, we can set up the proportion as:

13 pizzas / 2 hours = 182 pizzas / x hours

To solve for x, we can cross multiply and divide:

13 * x = 182 * 2

Simplifying, we get:

13x = 364

Now, divide both sides by 13, we have:

x = 364 / 13

Calculating this, we get:

x ≈ 28

So, it would take approximately 28 hours to make 182 pizzas.

To find out how many hours it would take to make 182 pizzas, we can set up a proportion based on the information given.

The ratio of pizzas made to hours is 13 pizzas per 2 hours.

Let's say x is the number of hours it takes to make 182 pizzas.

We can set up the proportion:

13 pizzas / 2 hours = 182 pizzas / x hours

Now, we can solve for x by cross-multiplying:

13x = 2 * 182

13x = 364

Dividing both sides of the equation by 13:

x = 364 / 13

x = 28

So, it would take 28 hours to make 182 pizzas using the given rate of 13 pizzas every 2 hours.

clay was paid $42 for 5 hours of babysitting. what is his hourly pay? answer must include 2 decimal places.

It would take 24 hours to make 182 pizzas.